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吳世曼 副教授
職稱 副教授
校內分機 88053
辦公地點 研究大樓250602室
類別 專任
研究專長 土耳其方言、土耳其語教學、社會語言學
  • 吳世曼*, 2017.10, 'Sovyetler Birliği’nde Dil Politikası (Language Policy in USSR), ' Liberal Düşünce, No.88, pp.41-56.(土耳其(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳世曼*, 2013.10, 'Toplumsal Mühendislik Olarak Alfabe Değişikliği, '.(土耳其(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳世曼, 2011.09, 'Medya ve Dil, ' I. Uluslararası Kitle İletişim Araçlarında Türkçenin Kullanımı, Vol.1, No.1, pp.83-86.(土耳其(文))
  • 吳世曼, 2010.01, 'Romanisation in Uzbekistan, Past and Present, JRAS V 20 January 2010, pp 49-60, ' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland, No.20, pp.49-60.(AHCI)
  • 吳世曼, 2006, 'Yafet Dil Teorisi, ' Virg?l, No.20, pp.14-16.(土耳其(文))
  • 吳世曼, 2005, '"Degisimin Lokomotifi, T?rkiye’de Alfabe Devrimi [The Locomotive of Change, Alphabet Shift in Turkey], ' Muhafazakr Dusunce, pp.57-63.(土耳其(文))
  • 吳世曼, 2005, 'Tragic Success: Turkish Language Reform, ' Muhafazakar Dusunce, No.Fall, pp.145-53.(土耳其(文))
  • 吳世曼, 2004, 'La Theorie de la Langue-Soleil : une entreprise desesperee aux marges de la science, ' Cahier de I''ILSL, No.17, pp.301-14.(Linguistics)(法語(文))
  • 吳世曼, 2004, 'The Locomotive of Change, Alphabet Shift in Turkey, ' Muhafazakar Dusunce, No.Spring, pp.57-63.(土耳其(文))
  • 吳世曼*, 2019.12, 'Language Revitalization in Kyrgyzstan after USSR, ' Environmental Awarenes, IACSS International Academic Conference on Social Sciences, pp.117-128.(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳世曼*, 2019.11, 'The Poetry of Multilingualism Mulemma’ (ملمّع), ' International Symposium on Multilingualism in the Past, Present, and Future: Opportunities and Challenges, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Taiwan Journal of TESOL.(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳世曼*, 2018.06, 'Orta Asya Türk Cumhuriyetleri'nde Alfabe Meselesi 1927 Orta Asya Kurultayı Tecrübesi, ' PAPERS PRESENTED TO THE III FORUM OF SOCIAL SCIENCES “THE GREAT STEPPE”, International Turkic Academy, pp.445-457.(土耳其(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳世曼*, 2017.10, 'Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretim Kitapları Üzerine (On the Books for Teaching Turkish), ' IX. ULUSLARARASI DÜNYA DİLİ TÜRKÇE SEMPOZYUMU BİLDİRİ KİTABI, Inönü University, TDK, pp.362-377.(土耳其(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳世曼*, 2013.01, 'Geçmişten Günümüze Özbekistan'da Dil Reformu, ' 6. Uluslararası Türk Dili Kurultayı, Türk Dil Kurumu, pp.4453-4456.(土耳其(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳世曼, 2007, 'Linguistics and Politics, The Case of Sun and Iafet Language Theories, ' Lausanne University Seminars, Prof. Patrick Seriot. 參考連結
  • 吳世曼, 2003, 'Sun-Language Theory: A Futile Effort Carried on on Margines, ' Le discours sur la langue sous les pouvoirs autoritaires, P. Seriot & A. Tabouret-Keller (ed.).(Colloquium)(法語(文))
  • 吳世曼*, 2015.03, 'Kırgızistan'da Dil Durumu Kırgızcanın İhyası, ' 天空數位圖書.(土耳其(文))(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳世曼, 2008, 'Language Reform in Uzbekistan After Soviet Union, ' NCCU and TIKA.(土耳其(文)) 參考連結
  • 吳世曼, 2007, 'Uzbek Language Reform, Past and Present, ' Bilkent University. 參考連結
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