Recently, after the disintegration of Soviet Union, republican countries from Central and Western Asia that speak Turkish have turned into independent countries. The international status of this region begins to stand out. From a general point of view, the development of academics, politics, economy, commerce and culture of Europe and Turkey has been regarded as the whole range of the Turkish World (that is, The Republic of Turkey and countries from Central Asia, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Cyprus of Mediterranean Sea) to conduct related researches. Furthermore, there has been some scholars claimed to unify the languages and characters of this region. Accordingly, Turkish speaking countries that stretch across Eurasian continents and focus on Turkey form a regional alliance. To respond to the international circumstances, by teaching, researches, expansion and improvement of the instrument, enhancement of language instruction and promotion of regional and Turcology researches to nourish the talented from different fields such as diplomacy, commerce and culture that have entered a new stage for R.O.C. and Turkish-speaking countries form Central and Western Asia and to provide the achievement of the academic research as a support.
The graduates from our department mostly go abroad for advanced studies or take domestic graduate school entrance examination (diplomatic, journalistic for example); others may work in the educational field or industry and commerce services. All of them can perform exceptionally.
Rusya’nın dağılmasıyla bağımsızlıklarını ilan eden Azerbaycan, Özbekistan, Kazakistan, Kırgızistan gibi ülkeler kendi ana dillerini yani Türkçe’yi konuşmaya başladılar. Uluslararası arenada kimlikleri ön plana çıktı ve dilleri önem kazandı. Türkiye, Avrupa ile Asya arasında çok önemli siyasi ve coğrafi bir konuma sahiptir. Biz, diplomatik, ticari ve kültürel alanlardaki ilişkilerimizi uluslararası düzeyde geliştirebilmemiz için Türk Diline gerekli önemi vermeliyiz. Dolayısıyla, ülkemizde Türkçenin öğretimi son derece önemlidir.
Bölümümüzden mezun olanların büyük bir kısmı yurtdışına gidip eğitim görörler ya da yurtiçinde lisansüstü, diplomatlık veya muhabirlik sınavlarına girerler. Diğerleri ise genel de öğretim veya ticari alanlarda görevlendirilirler.